I love xtide, the Unix tide prediction server. I have it serving web pages and serving a telephone dial-in number in Asterisk for the beach I visit. I finally got around to writing the KML file that links placemarks to the URL for my copy of the Xtide web server. Click on the placemark to see the URL for the location's tide prediction page.
Also, you can now view KML files in Google Maps by typing in the URL to the KML file in the search bar. You'll end up with a URL in Google Maps that looks like this: http://www.google.com/maps?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcw.sampas.net%2Fkml%2Fxtide.kml&hl=en&ll=37.439974%2C-131.660156&spn=101.116429%2C158.027344&sll=37.0625%2C-95.677068&sspn=54.357317%2C79.013672&vpsrc=6&t=h&z=3&source=gplus-ogsb .
The xtide.kml file is in the usual place.
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