Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Airport AWOS Frequency/Phone KML file updated

I have updated the AWOS frequency, phone, phone and type file based on the FAA's 56-day subscription data. However, instead of using latitude and longitude included in the file, I joined the main airport file by airport ID. This requires making an assumption that all AWOSes are at the airport they serve. While that might not be the case, I get 643 more airports into the file then before. The AWOS file has 2,185 entries of which 1,542 have latitude and longitude. Almost every corresponding airport in the APT file has latitude and longitude. Thus, DCA will now show up with a phone number, but no frequency. The new KML will also show the AWOS type: ASOS, AWOS-1, AWOS-2, AWOS-3, or AWOS-A.

Finally, matching airports to AWOS increases the complexity. I had hoped to write a simple script that does text manipulation for all KML files -- one script altering one FAA text file to produce one KML file. As with the Special Use Airspace, however, there wasn't a good way to do it without using a database and relations.

Find them in the KML archive.

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