Monday, October 4, 2010

Restricted Airspace Updates: new KML files for Google Earth

I have updated the KML files for US special use airspace files again. After looking around for some prohibited areas with which I am familiar, I noticed they were missing. They weren't missing in the file, but when a different type of restricted airspace overlies a prohibited area, you can't see the prohibited area in Google Earth. Thus I have created a prohibited-area-only KML file. The special use file includes all of the different types of special use areas, including the prohibited areas. As usual, all of them are in the kml file archive, which is sortable by date using the smart index feature of Apache.

Also, when you use FAA data, be sure to escape special SQL characters in the names. I think there's an O'Brien restricted area. Be aware, there are single quotes in special use area names.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

View Airport Weather Stations in Google Earth: Updated AWOS KML file

I have an updated AWOS KML file that will show you the telephone number, frequency, and AWOS type for the airports listed in the FAA's AWOS text file. You can download it here. As always, the KML archive is here.

This file uses the airport's latitute and longitude rather than the AWOS' latitude and longitude, which is missing in some cases in the FAA's file.

Also, the FAA files seem to have arbitrary layout changes from release to release, as well as some data quality issues. (Missing data, data out of alignment, etc.) I'm glad I don't have to produce this stuff on deadline.